Shabbat Shalom Eve!
Before we go on, I would like to share something with you. Below is a prayer from one of my favorite Shabbat books. I like to pick out something to meditate on during the day, to bring to the Shabbat table for all to enjoy.
This morning I found this one and I would like to share it with you, it goes like this:
Prayer for Women after Lighting the Candles from 'The Miracle of the Seventh Day' by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.
May it be your will, O YHVH Elohim and Elohim of my fathers, to show grace to me (and to my husband and to my children and to my father and mother) and to all those close to me, and grant me and all Israel a good and long life.
And remember us for goodness and for blessing, and visit us with salvation and mercy, and bless us with great blessing, and bring peace to our homes, and let your Shekhinah rest among us. And allow us to raise wise and understanding children, who love and fear Elohim – offspring of truth, a holy seed, who will be attached to Elohim and enlightened the entire world with Torah and with good deeds, and labor in the service of the Creator.
Heed my petition at this hour, through the merit of Sarah, Rivkah, Rahel, Leah, our mothers. And give light to our candle so that it may not be extinguished forever, and show us the light of your face, and let us be saved.

Today, don’t forget to set your table for Shabbat! Set it early so the whole family will see the table and begin to prepare for Shabbat.
Put out a tablecloth and some decorations. Then put your menorah to the south and your bread to the north to symbolize how it was in the Temple. If you don’t have a tablecloth and would like one, you can always use a sheet – it looks just as nice! You can gather wildflowers or uses grasses for your centerpiece. I have shared a picture, as how I set it today for you to see.
Put out a tablecloth and some decorations. Then put your menorah to the south and your bread to the north to symbolize how it was in the Temple. If you don’t have a tablecloth and would like one, you can always use a sheet – it looks just as nice! You can gather wildflowers or uses grasses for your centerpiece. I have shared a picture, as how I set it today for you to see.

Remember to also start your Challah bread!
You can make it in your bread machine while you are doing other things that you need to do. If you don't have one, you can buy your bread at Publix or you can make it by hand. Here is a recipe that I use for my machine that I got from online.Search for Bread Machine Challah if you want to find it on line.
1 Cup of Warm Water
4 Tablespoons of Oil
2 Eggs
1 Teaspoon of Salt
4 ½ Cups of Flour
2/3 cups of Sugar
3 Teaspoons of Yeast
1. Place all ingredients in order into the basket of the machine. Make a well of the dry in ingredients before putting in the yeast.
2. Close the bread machine door and set it on the dough setting and walk away for about an hour and a half. (1 hour, 30 minutes or longer depending on the weather. I’ve had to wait 4 hours some days!)
3. When the dough is ready, divide dough into two loaves. For a traditional look, you can braid each loaf.
4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
5. Brush the top of the challah with egg yoke.
6. Bake it at 350 for approx. 30 minutes.
7. To check if it challah is done, gently knock on the bottom of it and if you hear a hollow sound then the challah is ready.
You can make it in your bread machine while you are doing other things that you need to do. If you don't have one, you can buy your bread at Publix or you can make it by hand. Here is a recipe that I use for my machine that I got from online.Search for Bread Machine Challah if you want to find it on line.
1 Cup of Warm Water
4 Tablespoons of Oil
2 Eggs
1 Teaspoon of Salt
4 ½ Cups of Flour
2/3 cups of Sugar
3 Teaspoons of Yeast
1. Place all ingredients in order into the basket of the machine. Make a well of the dry in ingredients before putting in the yeast.
2. Close the bread machine door and set it on the dough setting and walk away for about an hour and a half. (1 hour, 30 minutes or longer depending on the weather. I’ve had to wait 4 hours some days!)
3. When the dough is ready, divide dough into two loaves. For a traditional look, you can braid each loaf.
4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
5. Brush the top of the challah with egg yoke.
6. Bake it at 350 for approx. 30 minutes.
7. To check if it challah is done, gently knock on the bottom of it and if you hear a hollow sound then the challah is ready.

Going back to yesterday’s post, I promised a menu for Rosh
I am using a dinner/buffet plan from ‘The Gourmet Jewish Cookbook’ by Judy Zeidler.
Going by Judy’s suggestion, here is planning for ten guests. She feels 8-10 people over for an evening is just about right to enjoy each person.
Sit Down Dinner
Festive Honey Challah
Warm Green Bean Salad
Roasted Meat with Vegetables
Fabulous Apple Charlotte
Here is the menu for a Rosh Hashanah Buffet
Mini Challahs
Marinated Vegetable Platter
Sliced Roast Beef with 2 sauces
Red Pepper-Basil Sauce
Mustard-Basil Sauce
Pomogrante Ice
Sesame-Honey Thins
Suggested Beverages
Pinot Noir Wine or Bordeaux Wine
Chardonnay Wine or Blush Wine
Most of these recipe can be found on line. It can be fun to have guest over to celebrate and to have fellowship. Usually Rosh Hashanah is celebrated two days that is to make sure we don't miss the day. So you can use one of the two days to have a special dinner either just with family or invited guests. Get out that silverware and enjoy!
Shabbat Shalom dont forget to fellowship with your community.
I am using a dinner/buffet plan from ‘The Gourmet Jewish Cookbook’ by Judy Zeidler.
Going by Judy’s suggestion, here is planning for ten guests. She feels 8-10 people over for an evening is just about right to enjoy each person.
Sit Down Dinner
Festive Honey Challah
Warm Green Bean Salad
Roasted Meat with Vegetables
Fabulous Apple Charlotte
Here is the menu for a Rosh Hashanah Buffet
Mini Challahs
Marinated Vegetable Platter
Sliced Roast Beef with 2 sauces
Red Pepper-Basil Sauce
Mustard-Basil Sauce
Pomogrante Ice
Sesame-Honey Thins
Suggested Beverages
Pinot Noir Wine or Bordeaux Wine
Chardonnay Wine or Blush Wine
Most of these recipe can be found on line. It can be fun to have guest over to celebrate and to have fellowship. Usually Rosh Hashanah is celebrated two days that is to make sure we don't miss the day. So you can use one of the two days to have a special dinner either just with family or invited guests. Get out that silverware and enjoy!
Shabbat Shalom dont forget to fellowship with your community.