Daily Habit of Reading the Word

To help us grow we must stay in Yah's Holy scriptures. One of the ways I have discovered that has brought me closer to Yah and I feel like He communicates with me daily is through committing to reading the bible through each year.
Now this is one of the branches that bring us much growth in our relationship with our Father. Between this one and prayer are the two things we must get into a daily routine.
Please battle these out to make time as both can be done usually less than an hour and most times I can read my daily reading in less than15 minutes and I pray for whatever time I can sometimes 10 minutes up to an hour depending on my day.
Now this is one of the branches that bring us much growth in our relationship with our Father. Between this one and prayer are the two things we must get into a daily routine.
Please battle these out to make time as both can be done usually less than an hour and most times I can read my daily reading in less than15 minutes and I pray for whatever time I can sometimes 10 minutes up to an hour depending on my day.
Yah brings order to our lives.

Now in Genesis 1:2-3 it states "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3. Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light".
Yahweh's word brings order to disorder and separates light from darkness. So by adding scripture reading to each new day in our lives we will see the disorder or chaos around us become orderly and peaceful. We will begin to separate the light from the darkness in our lives and I want to say you will be amazed at the changes you will make in your life.
Walking all the way through the word.

Now our congregation reads through the Torah every year which is great and I love it.
However to read it on my own and then continue the trek with Joshua to the promised land then the Judges as they begin to guide the people back to Yah once they become comfortable in the land. To meet King David and Solomon. To learn how the kingdoms become divided and how the good and evil Kings rule of Israel and Judah. How Assyria, Babylon and Persia bring Judgement and then restoration to the land. How the prophets speak of the need to repent and return to the Love of Elohim with all our hearts and tell us of our future yet to come.
Then to read the Psalms each day that soothe and comfort us. As we read the Proverbs each day to give us wisdom. To read of when Messiah walked on the earth and his disciples as they began to spread his good news and taught us how to follow his example. Then to read the book of Revelation with its mystery and prophecy.
This trek is very exciting and fulfilling and I look forward to each reading because it is talking about me.
However to read it on my own and then continue the trek with Joshua to the promised land then the Judges as they begin to guide the people back to Yah once they become comfortable in the land. To meet King David and Solomon. To learn how the kingdoms become divided and how the good and evil Kings rule of Israel and Judah. How Assyria, Babylon and Persia bring Judgement and then restoration to the land. How the prophets speak of the need to repent and return to the Love of Elohim with all our hearts and tell us of our future yet to come.
Then to read the Psalms each day that soothe and comfort us. As we read the Proverbs each day to give us wisdom. To read of when Messiah walked on the earth and his disciples as they began to spread his good news and taught us how to follow his example. Then to read the book of Revelation with its mystery and prophecy.
This trek is very exciting and fulfilling and I look forward to each reading because it is talking about me.
You can read for about 15 minutes each day and read through the bible in one year.

Each day, I feel like Yah shows me something new from his word. This is a sign of him communicating with us and that we are growing. Now you may think this takes a lot of time but you can do this in about 15 minutes each day. There are many ways to read and you can find what works best for you. I use a bible I brought for this purpose it is called The One Year Bible by Tyndale but there were days that I would miss because I had forgotten my bible. So I found an online site called The One Year Online Bible and it was the same reading. Now this site gives you all kinds of translations and different options on how to read it through the year and it has a phone app so you can read while waiting somewhere.
Here is the link to that site: http://oneyearbibleonline.com/
Here is the link to that site: http://oneyearbibleonline.com/
Promise given to us when we meditate on his word day and night.

Here is the fruit that we will see when we study this
wonderful book we read in Joshua 1:8
Joshua tells us: "Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do."
What a wonderful fruit we will produce when we grow in this branch of our life. If you are needing some prosperity and success maybe some more meditating and study of his word is needed.
wonderful book we read in Joshua 1:8
Joshua tells us: "Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do."
What a wonderful fruit we will produce when we grow in this branch of our life. If you are needing some prosperity and success maybe some more meditating and study of his word is needed.