PRAYER JOURNAL Standing in the Gap Using a personalized prayer journal
Now, no one is going to pray for your family as you have the ability to do.
Our families need someone to intercede on their behalf before our Father. We also need to focus on prayer for ourselves and what we are doing for the kingdom. Prayer is communication with our Father and without this communication we will become weak and unfaithful.
Yeshua's disciples noticed him after he had gone away to pray and when he returned they must have been impressed as they asked him to teach them to pray. Communicating with Yah through prayer is an ongoing learning experience. I want to encourage you, if you have not already begun, have a least daily prayer for your family. They need you because as a parent you can have such wonderful natural faith for your children and other family members. You can set an timer to go off throughout the day to pray for different ones each time it goes off or at the top of the hour stop for five minutes and say a prayer.
Several years ago I started a prayer journal and it has been a real valuable tool in my life which has brought me closer to our heavenly Father. I call it a prayer journal because I use a journal style notebook but I do not make daily entries. It is more like a prayer book but personalized for my family. I use a page or maybe two for each of my immediate family members which on the page I put a picture as well and I usually write in pencil on that page as my prayers get answered or they have changed over time for them because things are always changing.
Now my parents use cards set away in a box on their table. There is no one way that it has to be done. But for me, I forget about things I want to remember to pray for. So I write them in my Journal as it is portable and I can keep it with me. I put scriptures in it that help and encourage me. I have written my values down and as I read them I meditate on applying them to my life. I have the seven aspects of the Proverb Woman written down with space enough to write under each one something I need to work on by bringing it to prayer before Yah.
I have my friends, family, leaders, teachers, praying for the peace of Jerusalem and other items as well. Sometimes, I get all the way through the journal, sometimes only a few pages, but I always try to pray for my immediate family because if I don't, who will?
I suggest you give this a try because as I can testify that it has really changed my life and I have truly grown closer to Yah. As I see prayers answered, my faith grows. As our faith grows, our roots will grow deep and we become like that tree planted by the waters that doesn't wither in time of drought but can rise up and pray like a true warrior.
Start your journal today and just doing that will bring peace of mind. Remember Yeshua said, "Come all ye that labor and are heavy laden he will give us rest."
Let's rest in him by telling him all our troubles, worries and concerns and let him teach us to pray as he did for his disciples.
This is my prayer journal. It helps me to focus when I am bringing my cares to Yah.
This page is for one of my daughters. Sometimes I place homemade cards or letters they write me. I pray for their future and current issues in which they need prayer.
This page is for me. It has the seven aspects listed and I write in it when I am working on changing something in my life.