Proverbs 14:1
A wise woman builds her home,but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.
The scripture above really spoke to me this morning when I was doing my morning reading. As manager of the family and home we sometimes forget how important our role is to keeping order and peace in the home. We need to be builders by making our homes a place to be. When we keep our nest clean and well stocked our family will flourish. We will also reap the benefit of a blessed life where we can pursue Torah, good deeds, prayer and respect. We should not beat ourselves up over this, but just by keeping simple daily routines or as some would say "chores" is all that is needed. This keeps enough order so we can prepare healthly meals, find clothes to wear and time for each other. Everyone in the household should have jobs that they are expected to do and should be reminded when they forget. We should remind them how important family is to each other and how we should love and respect each other by doing the responsibility they have been given. See the webpage on household for more information. Shabbat Shalom. Praise Yahweh in the highest!!
A wise woman builds her home,but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.
The scripture above really spoke to me this morning when I was doing my morning reading. As manager of the family and home we sometimes forget how important our role is to keeping order and peace in the home. We need to be builders by making our homes a place to be. When we keep our nest clean and well stocked our family will flourish. We will also reap the benefit of a blessed life where we can pursue Torah, good deeds, prayer and respect. We should not beat ourselves up over this, but just by keeping simple daily routines or as some would say "chores" is all that is needed. This keeps enough order so we can prepare healthly meals, find clothes to wear and time for each other. Everyone in the household should have jobs that they are expected to do and should be reminded when they forget. We should remind them how important family is to each other and how we should love and respect each other by doing the responsibility they have been given. See the webpage on household for more information. Shabbat Shalom. Praise Yahweh in the highest!!